October 2023 Presentation:
"Exploring the Challenges & Complexities of Delivering Services" at Genetic Testing and Market Access in Canada: Exploring Practical Steps for Achieving Market Access - Canadian Association for Healthcare Reimbursement (CAHR)
May 2023 Article:
"Progress toward Health System Readiness for Genome-Based Testing in Canada". Don Husereau, Eva Villaalba, et al, Larry Arshoff
May 2021 Podcast:
"Laboratory medicine: The exemplar for value-based healthcare". Larry Arshoff, Gordon Hoag, Craig Ivany, and David KinniburghMay 2021 Article:
"Laboratory medicine: The exemplar for value-based healthcare". Larry Arshoff, Gordon Hoag, Craig Ivany, and David Kinniburgh
July 2020 Article:
“Are companies prepared for loss of access to key Healthcare stakeholders?" Larry Arshoff and Mike KnappApril 2020 Article:
“Larry Arshoff talks value-based procurement and the supply chain” Healthcare Management Forum BlogApril 2020 Article:
“The Value-based Healthcare and Procurement Journey: How Can We Accelerate Adoption for Better Patient Outcomes and Sustainability?" – Larry Arshoff and Michael KnappApril 2018 Article:
“What can you do to accelerate adoption of innovation by healthcare institutions?” RDP Associates BlogMarch 2018 Presentation:
“Innovation Adoption in Hospitals” – Queen’s Healthcare and Business Conference
January 2018 Article:
“Five essential steps to introduce new products into hospitals and healthcare institutions.” RDP Associates BlogNovember 2017 Presentation:
“Five Essential Steps to Accelerate Adoption of New products/Innovations into Hospitals” - Procurement, Access and Value of Technologies in Hospitals, Life Science Ontario Forum
October 2016 Poster:
“Impact of a patient decision aid on selection of long-acting or oral treatment options by patients with schizophrenia or related psychoses” - Howard C. Margolese, Warren Steiner, Angelina Perillo, Rosella Di Lallo, Larry Arshoff; Institute on Psychiatric Services (IPS) 2016: The mental Health Services Conference, October 6-9 2016, Washington DC
October 2016 Poster:
“Development of a patient decision aid to educate patients with acute psychoses about long-acting injectable antipsychotic therapy” - Howard C. Margolese, Warren Steiner, Fiore Lalla, Candice Cattan, Angelina Perillo, Larry Arshoff; Institute on Psychiatric Services (IPS) 2016: The mental Health Services Conference, October 6-9 2016, Washington
June 2015 Report:
“Medical device and diagnostic pricing and reimbursement in Canada” - Husereau D, Arshoff L, Bhimani S, Allen N., Institute of Health Economics; 2015.
May 2014 Article:
“Impact of a Change Management Program in a Medical Device Reprocessing Department: A Mixed Methods Study” - Judy Chadwick, Mike Knapp, Douglas Sinclair, Larry Arshoff; Healthcare Management Forum 27(1):20-24
February 2014 Article:
“Canada - Medical Devices & Diagnostics” – Don Husereau, Shahira Bhimani; Larry Arshoff, Stephen Dibert; ISPOR Global Health Care Systems Road MapSeptember 2013 Article:
“Transforming innovation procurement” – Larry Arshoff Health Research & Innovation Autumn 2013: 22
April 2013 Article:
“A mental health initiative to enhance schizophrenia treatment efficacy”- Lalla & Arshoff Healthcare Management Forum 26(1): 46-50
March 2013 Article:
“Applying new technology behind the scenes improves patient care” – Karim & Arshoff; Canadian Healthcare Manger Spring 2013: 26-28
July 2012 Article:
“Procurement change in Canada: An opportunity for improving system performance” - Arshoff, Henshall, Juzwishin, and Racette; Healthcare Management Forum 25(2): 66-69
December 2011 Presentation:
“Role and Value of Health Technology Assessment in Canada” Canadian Medical Device Market Access & Government Affairs Conference
September 2011 Presentation:
“Advancing Innovation Through Procurement - Industry Context” Navigating Hospital and Health System Procurement MEDEC-CCHL conference
September 2011 Presentation:
“Update on Industry/Hospital Working Group on Procurement Practices” Navigating Hospital and Health System Procurement MEDEC-CCHL conference
September 2011 Conference Co-chair and Session Moderator:
Navigating Hospital and Health System Procurement MEDEC-CCHL conference
April 2011 Presentation:
“Hospital Resource Use by Patients with Schizophrenia: Reduction after Conversion form Oral Treatment to Risperidone Long Acting Injection” -Koczerginski & Arshoff 2011 CADTH Symposium
January 2010 Article:
“Hospital Resource Use by Patients with Schizophrenia: Reduction after Conversion form Oral Treatment to Risperidone Long Acting Injection” – Koczerginski & Arshoff Healthcare Quarterly 14 (1): 82-87
September 2010 Presentation:
Overview of HTA for Medical Technology - Demystifying Health Technologies Assessment Conference
March 2010 Article:
“Assessing Innovations: What Is the Optimal Approach for Healthcare Organizations?” - Healthcare Quarterly 13 (2): 84-96
March 2010 Interview:
“Growth Applications of Health Technology and Economic Assessments” - MEDEC Pulse March 2010 page 8
September 2009 Presentation:
Emerging Trends for Technology Reimbursement - Access & Reimbursement for New Technologies MEDEC Conference
September 2009 Conference Chair:
Access & Reimbursement for New Technologies - MEDEC Conference
December 2008 Conference Chair:
National Tendering Summit: The Rules of Engagement - MEDEC Conference
May 2008 Presentation:
Who Pays? Funding Models for Devices and Diagnostics BioFinance 2008 Conference
August 2007 Workshop:
Institutional Sales - Reimbursement Workshop MEDEC
April 2005 Conference Chair:
Optimizing Reimbursement – MEDEC Conference
April 2005 Presentation:
Handicapping Technology – Optimizing Reimbursement MEDEC Conference
December 2004 Seminar:
Navigating the Maze of Regional and Hospital Decision Makers - MEDEC Workshop
November 2004 Presentation:
Strategies to Accelerate Your Growth in Today’s Healthcare System - MEDEC Conference
April 30, 2004 Article:
“You Can’t Shrink to Grow”, Chronicle.
May 2003 Presentation:
“Strategic Funding Alternatives – A Model From Ophthalmology”, Health Care Financing In Canada - MEDEC
September 2003 Presentation:
“Competitive Strategies For Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises”, Tools for Building Your Business - MEDEC (Canada's Medical Device Technology Companies)