DS&R developed the protocol, analyzed the data and the findings and an update were published separately and presented at CADTH. The initial study showed the new system reduced annual department operating costs by $342,204.19 in year one and increased productivity by approximately 30%.¹ A follow up study was done after the system was optimized showed an additional savings of about $62,000 and a 14% increase in volume.²
The publications were successfully used by the sales and marketing team to help grow sales.
¹ A.Z Karim, Innovative Technology Conserves Resources and Generates Savings: A Case Study from the Sunnybrook Regional Processing Centre, Healthcare Quarterly, 2009: Vol. 12: 94-98, 2009
² Karim & Arshoff, Applying new technology behind the scenes improves patient care, Canadian Healthcare Manger Spring 2013: 26-28